Here’s How to Get Rid of Flies in Your Home
House flies are a major source of irritation, and can even pose a health hazard when present around food. Fortunately, there are many ways to help rid your home of these pests, but it’s important to know the best methods for your particular situation. Here are some options to consider, along with tips to help keep flies out of your house.

Put a Light in the Window
Here’s a trick that works well for bedrooms. Flies are attracted to light, so if it’s sunny outside simply shut the door, close the blinds or drapes, and leave a small gap that lets in light. Then open the window to draw out the flies.

How to Keep Flies Out of Your House
To prevent flies from entering your home in the first place, you should cut off their easy entryways. For starters, make sure you repair any broken window screens or screen doors. Keep garbage cans away from your door so flies aren’t hanging around as people enter and leave the house. You should also have outdoor garbage cans that close tightly with a fitted lid.
At times there will be lots of coming and going from your backyard, so it’s inevitable that some flies will get inside your home. The key is to get rid of them quickly before they become a nuisance and most importantly, before they proliferate.