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Here’s How to Stay Cool with the Right Air Conditioning Unit

When the weather heats up, the right air conditioner can help you stay cool and comfortable. Room air conditioning units are self-contained cooling systems that direct heated air outside. They are designed to efficiently cool small areas alongside, or instead of, central air conditioning. Here’s how to choose the right room air conditioner to beat the heat.

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Types of Room Air Conditioners

A window air conditioner

A portable air conditioner

BTU & Room Size Considerations

Air conditioning units are labelled with BTU (British thermal unit) ratings. BTUs refer to the unit’s cooling power. The higher the BTU rating, the greater the unit’s cooling power. But that’s not the only consideration. Here’s how to find the right match for any room.

BTU Considerations

Calculating the correct BTUs for a space is essential because an air conditioner with too many BTUs won’t dehumidify effectively, while one with too few will run continuously without cooling efficiently. Both scenarios waste energy.

Calculating Room Size

To determine how many BTUs a space needs, first calculate the room size. Multiply the room’s length by width in feet to determine the square footage of the space to be cooled.

Cooling Capacity

Generally speaking, the following capacity/BTU ranges will ensure an efficient match between room size and air conditioner.

150 to 350 square feet: 5,000 to 8,000 BTU

350 to 550 square feet: 8,000 to 12,000 BTU

550 to 1,050 square feet: 12,000 to 18,500 BTU

1,050 to 1,600 square feet: 18,500 to 25,000 BTU

Additional Considerations

Extra calculations may be required for certain room scenarios.

For heavily shaded rooms, reduce room size by 10%

For very sunny rooms, increase room size by 10%

In a kitchen, increase need by 4,000 BTUs

For rooms regularly occupied by more than two people, add an additional 600 BTUs per person

Increase the BTUs for high ceilings (those over the traditional 8-foot ceiling height)

Energy Efficiency Rating

Air conditioners are labelled with a standardized EER (Energy Efficiency Rating). The EER ranges from 8.5 to 11.

The higher the rating, the more energy-efficient the model. Look for ENERGY STAR-certified room air conditioners, which are more efficient and cost less to run than non-certified models.

Check an air conditioner’s EnerGuide label to determine its efficiency.

Air Conditioning Unit Features

The following product features can improve the comfort, efficiency and performance of your window air conditioner or portable air conditioning unit.

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Sleep Mode

This setting saves energy by auto-adjusting temperature so it’s cooler early in the night, warmer by about 1-2°C during your set sleep period, then cooler again for wakeup.

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24-Hour Timer

Another energy-saving feature, this allows you to set the number of hours the air conditioner will automatically run each day.

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Digital Remotes

A digital remote control makes it easy to adjust your AC from across the room or even the comfort of your bed.

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Quiet Operation

If quiet operation is a priority, look for a window or portable air conditioner with an inverter compressor.

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Self-evaporative portable air conditioners eliminate the hassle of emptying and cleaning a water tank or of setting up an exhaust hose to drain outdoors.

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Air conditioners have washable/reusable pre-filters to capture dust and pet hair. Some models also accommodate activated carbon, silver ion or antimicrobial filters for fresher, cleaner air.

Safety Tips

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing a new air conditioning unit

  • Window air conditioners can be heavy and awkward to handle. Install with two people to ensure safety

  • Wear work gloves and safety shoes when installing a window air conditioner

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