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December 2021 Kitchen Cabinetry

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Kitchen Renovations: 

How to help clients choose cabinets for the most important room in the house

You may think of kitchen cabinet projects the same way as any other renovation job, but there’s more to it than that. Most clients put a lot of importance on their kitchen, and this makes all the difference. This difference is both emotional and practical. You’ll get more work and better profits if you prepare yourself to lead clients through the rather complicated cabinet selection process. Learn the essentials of cabinet design and you’ll inspire the kind of confidence that leads to more work and better money.

Kitchens cost big bucks, and the reason homeowners routinely spend five figures and up on a kitchen reno is because this area is the center of most home life. This is even more important now as kitchens become the focal point for more than just eating. Entertainment, school, work, home office activities and just a space to relax – these are all things that 21st century kitchens need to be good at. Here are four steps to help your clients get their best possible kitchen:

Casual Kitchen
Contemporary Kitchen

Step#1: Planning

This is vital but be warned. It’s easy to under-plan a kitchen renovation because it can feel like a waste of your time, especially if you’re a high RPM contractor who likes to get practical things done fast. Slow down and kick into schmoozing mode. The truth is that while the time you spend helping your client see the big picture and make wise kitchen design decisions won’t feel like productive work time, it is. Careful planning lays the groundwork for a great finished result while also building client confidence that leads to other kitchen projects by word-of-mouth. Remember, there’s usually a ton of emotions and high expectations with most kitchen cabinet renos. Prepare for this.

Start by talking to your client to get a sense of how the kitchen is used now and how it could be used in the future. Be especially sure to learn what works about the current kitchen and what doesn’t. What features are on the wish list? This is the time when you start impressing clients by introducing them to great cabinet hardware and design features that make the best modern kitchens so successful. 

Key questions to ask during the design phase include:

1.    Traditional, casual, modern, shaker or solid wood cabinets? 
       •    Before meeting with the client ask that they collect images of the kind of kitchens they like so you can discuss them together. 
2.    What type of cookware and supplies are in the kitchen now? 
       •    You need to know what needs to be stored.
3.    Will the kitchen be used for more than eating? 
       •    Does significant paperwork need to happen there? Will computers be used for school work or when working from home?
4.    What timeline does your client have in mind for completion? 
5.    Will the cabinet replacement be part of a major renovation of the space, including new wiring, plumbing, walls and flooring? 
6.    What broad budget figure does your client have in mind?

Depending on your level of experience and your client’s level of interest, consider bringing an experienced kitchen designer into the process. The best designers will look at the entire space, including floor coverings, walls, light fixtures, and plumbing elements. Digital planning tools create 3D renderings that make it easy for homeowners to visualize the overall plan and feel. Never forget that most people cannot visualize things in three dimensions without help.

Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen
Traditional Ktichen

Step#2: Explore the Hardware

Teaching your clients about cabinet terminology and hardware is essential for communication. Everyone involved needs to understand exactly what’s meant by the terms wall cabinets, base cabinets, tall pantries, glass door cabinets and open shelving, for instance. Same goes for hardware, including waste and recycling bins, spin trays and Super Susans, cutlery trays and tray dividers, tilt-outs, spice racks, pullouts, rollouts and more. All these terms are the building blocks of any new kitchen and everyone needs to speak the same language.

Step#3: Decide on an Overall Cabinet Style

Images are the best way to explore broad design options, and kitchen cabinet styles include casual, contemporary, farmhouse, Shaker, traditional and others. As part of your planning and design preparations, come prepared to meetings with plenty of photos of different types of cabinets from the suppliers you deal with.

Step#4: Settle on Door Styles

Most of what’s seen on a cabinet are the doors (and matching end panels), so focus particular attention on these when planning with your clients. Door styles generally go hand-in-hand with the overall cabinet styles you presented during step#3, but even within a given style there’s room for choice when it comes to doors. As you explain the options, mention that kitchen cabinet doors are available in solid wood, painted MDF, melamine and other synthetics.  

Typical door styles include:

  • Shaker: Named after the minimalist style created by the 19th century faith community by the same name. Shaker-style doors are very popular right now, with 90% of new kitchens using this style of door. Shaker door styling includes square edges with horizontal and vertical frame members the same width surrounding a flat center panel. One reason for the popularity of Shaker doors is their wide applicability. They can be used successfully on different types of cabinets.
  • Wide-rail Shaker doors: Similar to standard Shaker styling, but with wider-than-usual horizontal and vertical frame members. This creates a beefier looking cabinet with the option of more pronounced edge details.
Wide Rail Shaker Style Doors
  • Raised panel doors: These have the same vertical and horizontal frame members as Shaker doors, but the panel they surround is not flat but has beveled edges. This traditional detail creates more shadow lines on the doors as light falls on them, creating greater visual interest. 
Raised Panels Doors
  • Slab door: As the name suggests, this is just a flat, rectangular door with nothing on the front face except door handles. Slab doors are simple, less expensive and create a modern, contemporary look. Slab doors are also easier to keep clean (they have no profiles to support dust and dirt).
Slab Door Style Kitchen
Slab Door Style Kitchen
  • Beaded panel door: This style includes narrow strips of semi-circular trim extending out from the outer edges of the door or, in some cases, surrounding the edges of the panel area of the door. Beaded designs are a hallmark of the farmhouse kitchen approach and can sometimes be used to create a single door that stands out in a kitchen with other styles elsewhere.
Beaded Panel Door
​You can have a great time doing kitchen renovations but only if you settle on a detailed design first. Don’t assume things will “all work out fine” without focusing on details ahead of time. These days there are plenty of cabinet options, door styles, and finishes to choose from – making it possible to appeal to every taste, lifestyle, and budget.

Inspiration is always handy

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