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01 1600x464 PRONews Oct2024 Week2

Great Options to Keep Your Customers Happy

Every builder knows that traditional sawn lumber is sometimes twisted, cupped and warped ­– and this is one reason more consistent engineered wood products (EWP) such as laminated strand lumber (LSL) and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) are being used instead of traditional studs, joists and beams. Another reason is homeowner satisfaction with a better final result. Understanding the benefits of LSL and LVL, both for you and for your clients, can improve your bottom line and reputation, as you’ll see.

Benefits for Builders of LSL and LVL

All engineered lumber offers technical benefits to you as a builder, but also better homes and additions for your clients. Direct benefits of using these options for you include:

Benefits for Homeowners of LSL and LVL

From a design perspective, engineered wood products offer benefits you can explain to your clients, including:

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