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Lawn Mowers

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Tidy up your lawn with our selection of lawn mowers.

​You can't escape the fact that if you have a lawn, you will need to trim it often during the growing seasons. Choosing the right lawn mower will depend on the size of your lawn. Today's lawn mower choices range from manual to high-tech powered models. They range from single-feature mowers to self-propelled multi-feature behemoths. Let's start with the modern version of the push reel lawn mower. Perfect for tiny lawns, these mowers make little noise and they're kind to the environment. Plus, you get a good workout.

For bigger lawns you'll want a lawn mower powered by electricity, battery or gas. Electric lawn mowers need a cord, of course, which is fine if your lawn is not too large. For convenience, a gas mower is easier to move back and forth across the lawn's expanse. It can handle a big lawn without running out of fuel. A cordless lawn mower makes it easier to reach all areas of your lawn but you'll have to make sure to charge the battery before you take it out. Match your lawn to the right lawn mower for carefree outdoor enjoyment.

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