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As the temperatures start to drop this fall season and that thermostat gets turned up, rising energy costs are on everyone’s mind. In Ontario, electricity prices surged 71 percent from 2008 to 2016, according to the Fraser Institute, and prices jumped 15 percent between 2015 and 2016 alone. With current inflation rates, this is only becoming worse. What can you do to help keep your clients keep their home warm and their wallet happy? Help them weatherproof in the fall.

A few common examples of overlooked areas in your client’s homes in terms of needing to be weatherproofed are attic entrances and basements.


Tackling the attic can be very overwhelming with such a large space. Attics are notorious heat sinks in the winter since warm air rises and attic entrances are usually not well sealed. Attics are also typically unfinished, meaning they have poor insulation. To prevent heat from leaving homes straight out of the roof, insulation in the attic should be at least 5 inches thick.

DAP Foam solutions are built to help PRO’s master this vital space where warm air escapes. DAP NoWarp or DAP HomeSeal are your allies on this mission! Be sure to form a tight seal around any hatches, soffits, HVAC and other electrical and plumbing holes.


Utilizing spray foam in the basement is also necessary to insulate your home and protect it from inclement weather like we experience it every year in Canada. DAP foams are available in a wide formula range for the professional, for air sealing and energy saving applications and feature exceptional insulating performance. “At DAP, we pride ourselves on our ability to innovate and provide sustainable, high-performing products that contractors and pro insulators rely on and trust,” said Jason Wirth, Senior Director Product Management at DAP. 

Sealing Drafts around Windows & Doors

Windows and doors are especially notorious for becoming drafty and any cracks around exterior windows and doors will make it easier for warm indoor air to escape and cool outdoor air to seep in, making it hard for furnaces to maintain a consistent indoor temperature. This is especially true for big homes with many windows and several exterior doors, but it’s equally true for smaller apartments as well. The easiest way to ensure an airtight seal for your windows and doors is to use DAP sealants. DAP Dynaflex 230 Window and Door Sealant around the door frame will work to create a weather seal so that air doesn’t escape through the gaps in the door when it’s closed. You’ll also want to add a door bottom seal to really make your door weather tight. Repeat this process for windows and your clients are on their way to a cozy, comfortable home this winter.

Inspiration is always handy

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