Here’s How to Flood-Proof Your Home

Flooding in your home can come from many sources, both internal and external. These include everything from burst pipes and clogged drains, to faulty roofing or full-on area flooding. Even a small amount of water can cause serious damage to walls, ceilings, floors and household contents. Here’s some effective flood-proofing steps you can take to protect your home.

Flood-Proofing Tips
Protect Your Utilities: Build an enclosure around your water heater and furnace to keep floodwater away from the base (consult with a contractor about height, materials and installation)
Protect Your HVAC: Build a pedestal for your external central air conditioning unit to prevent contact with outdoor floodwaters (consult with a contractor first)
Install Backflow Valves: these devices prevent sewage from backing up in basement drains, sinks and toilets
Check for Leaks: Inspect ceilings, pipes, sinks and toilets for water leaks and mould growth
Check Your Water Bill: If water use seems unusually high, it may be a sign of leaky pipes
Check Your Hose: Inspect the supply hoses of your washing machine and dishwasher for wear
Flood-proofing a house involves keeping water out, and minimizing damage if water gets in. Now that you have an idea of what measures to take, you can get started on the flood-proofing plan for your home.