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Here’s How to Landscape Your Home to Prevent Flooding

Flood Landscaping

Floodwater can cause serious damage to contents and structure of your home. Proper landscaping can act as a strong first line of defense against flooding. Here’s a rundown of what you can do, starting with easy DIY additions. Some larger projects may require consultation with a professional contractor.

DIY Tasks & Projects

A rain barrel.

A garden bed filled with mulch

A yard with native plants.


Garden soils

Someone shovels snow.

Install Drainage Channels

Rainwater can run off driveways, patios and walkways towards your home. Digging out shallow drainage channels on either side of these features is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to reduce the risk of flooding. Make sure the channels lead to someplace safe like a swale, rain garden or drainage ditch. Most importantly, make sure they don’t carry water onto your neighbour’s property

Projects Requiring Professional Consultation

Build a Drainage Swale

A drainage swale is simply a depression that contours around the bottom of a slope to safely channel away storm water and prevent flooding. Along the way, water is filtered off through fast-draining soil. Moisture-friendly ferns and grasses help keep the soil intact, while gravel and rocks further assist absorption. A swale can work to carry gutter water from your house, or safely divert runoff from hills or higher areas of your property.

A rain garden.

Install Pervious Paving

Pervious paving materials can help prevent storm water or rising flood waters from running along your driveway, patios, and walkways towards your home. There are three basic types, each allowing water to seep through into quick-draining gravel underneath.

  1. Concrete Pavers: This method leaves gaps between the pavers that are filled with gravel or sand to allow quick drainage.

  2. Porous Concrete & Asphalt: Built-in air pockets allow for easy water absorption.

  3. Plastic Grids: These systems keep the surface layer from compacting to allow water to pass through. You simply roll out the material, pin down the edges, and fill the spaces with decorative gravel, sand or grass seed.

Add a Retaining Wall

A retaining wall prevents erosion and helps divert water away from your home during a flood. Just make sure you’re diverting the water in a safe direction and away from neighbouring properties. Strength is key to avoid wall failure under pressure, so use quick-draining sand or gravel-based soils vs. clay soils, which retain water. Perforated piles and weep holes will also reduce pressure.

A retaining wall

Proper landscaping outside your home can help protect the people and contents inside. Start small with some DIY projects. Once you start landscaping defensively, you’ll be better able to identify which larger projects are most suitable for your property.

Inspiration is always handy

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