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Palmerston Home Hardware

  • 140 William Street
  • Palmerston, Ontario, N0G2P0
Voir la circulaire du magasin
(519) 343-2100
Adresse électronique:
Envoyer un courriel à ce magasin
Type de magasin: Quincaillerie Home Hardware

Services à ce magasin

  • Eau ambouteillée
  • Agencement de couleurs
  • Livraison
  • Taille de verre
  • Carte-cadeau Home
  • Coupe de clés
  • Affûtage de couteaux
  • Réparation de serrures
  • Propane
  • Changement de cylindres de serrures
  • Réparation de moustiquaires
  • Affûtage de patins
  • Commandes spéciales
  • Réparation de fenêtres
  • Entretien commercial

Message du propriétaire

Palmerston is a town with a rich railway heritage that falls within the greater Town of Minto. We have a solid industrial/manufacturing base with companies such as TG Minto, MSW Plastics, Tucker Industries to mention only a few. Our Lions Club is a tremendous community supporter and has created a spectacular park and walking path on the former CN Railway grounds in Palmerston. Take a stroll across one of the few remaining overhead walking bridges in Canada and you'll get a panoramic view of the waterfall and newly painted outdoor basketball court and swimming pool. You can see into our railway history in the museum in the restored CN Rail Station filled with historical railway artifacts. We are also currently experiencing strong residential growth with the development of 3 new residential subdivisions. With our great hospital and new medical clinic, public school, high school and a full range of recreational facilities, there is sure to be something of interest for everyone. At Palmerston Home Hardware, we're proud to be part of such a great community! Come and discover why Palmerston and Minto are "Where your family belongs."

L’inspiration pratique à toujours avoir sous la main

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